Ministerial Prerogative should not extend to the accommodation of criminal activity
on the part of councils or individuals political affiliations aside.
So why is it that Premier Carr and the assembled members of State Parliament all
parties ignore the criminal activity accommodated by Corrupt Gosford Council?
This is a Political Indictment against all those who for what ever reason turn
a blind eye to allegations that Falsified Instruments have been given currency by Gosford Council. resulting in the misleading
of Government Cabinet Ministers Andrew Refshauge and Harry Woods. The person responsible received a fiduciary gain for
the criminal act! Which breaches the Local Government Act. And identifies his action as further corrupt according
to advice from ICAC.
Why would "leading members of the community" remain silent? as do our elected
representatives First Second and Third class Politicians.
Criminal activity accommodated by those we trust to give us the "good government
" mentioned in our constitution is unacceptable.
The Liberal Party Creed says they Uphold the Constitution, what rot!
Debra Wales is Quoted as saying that constituent has no rights in the Telegraph.
And she must be aware by now that part of her responsibilities, as a councillor is to insure that council abide by the
Matters have been documented to all those responsible for the governance
in these matters and the silence for years should make voters ask what are politicians hiding?
The cover-up surrounding illegal use of public property by friends of Council and
at least one Councillor. Has seen outburst in Council Meetings and threats made.
These issues are political and silence on the matters is evidence that the people
are not represented.
By the way don't forget the unconscionable shedding of lability onto the unsuspecting
private property owner for insurance of the electricity supply infrastructure.
This has always been a political issue! And there is a creditability
question for all those who ignore it.
Edward James
POB 3024
Umina 2257