Clean Up Corrupt Government in New South Wales
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The Phantom Ministers

Premier Carr,
Your Minister Carl Scully did not equip himself well this morning when he used the usual platitudes with the veil of political expediency.  In an attempt to deflect Questions that arise when MP's hide behind policy advisers and the Ministerial Prerogative with regards the Corrupt activity of Gosford city Council.
Your personal remark to me that you did not know why I protest for years outside State Parliament  is empty rhetoric. I know no constituent who voted for a secretary or policy advisor to represent them!  The criminal activity that your Ministers accommodate gives the lie to credibility where politicians are concerned, sadly it seems we only have the option to elect another politician. Hardly an honest option.
Edward James
POB 3024
     Dear Nini V,  I have asked The Secratary for Prime Minister and Cabinet for identification reference as to who in the Premiers Office responded to advice from the office of the Prime Minister sent on my behalf on several occasions, Concerns I have were not helped when the secretary to Minister Michael Costa informed me she handles the " Corro" I assume she means the correspondence that I have discussed with both the Premier and the Minister for police. My obvious concern arrises when my elected representatives acknowledge that they have not sent me anything, that  the staff done that. As the Minister is culpable I would prefer the Minister to do the job he has been elected to do!
Edward James
Mobile: 0418486260

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